Personal Identification
I would like to remain anonymous.
I will voluntarily share my personal information below.
First Name
Last Name
Household overview
My household consists of (select one):
a single adult with no children.
multiple adults with no children.
a single adult with children present some of the time.
a single adult with children present all of the time.
multiple adults with children.
Household ages
My household consists of (check all that apply):
A woman who is currently pregnant.
Children aged 5 and under.
Children aged 6-17.
Adults aged 55-64.
Adults aged 65-79.
Adults aged 80 and higher.
None of the above.
Health status
Select one
All people in my household are currently able-bodied, relatively healthy people.
There is a person or persons in my household with a disability that impairs daily living.
There is a person or persons in my household with a health impairment which makes them vulnerable to COVID-19 complications.
There is a person or persons in my household who are showing symptoms of, or who have tested positive to, COVID-19.
I'd prefer not to say.
Health coverage
Select one
There are people in my household who do not have health insurance.
All people people in my household have health insurance connected to someone's employment.
All people in my household have health insurance unconnected to someone's employment.
I'd prefer not to say.
Current employment status
Someone in my household has become unemployed since the beginning of March, 2020.
Someone in my household is employed in one of these fields:
Check all that apply
Supermarkets and/or other open, high-exposure stores
Self-employed and/or small business owner
Leisure and hospitality
Transportation, including airlines and cruises
Employment services
Travel-related services
Construction and building
Correctional Facilities / Prisons
None of the above
Employment Concern
These scales describe your concern about losing your job in the next four months.
I am concerned about losing my job in the immediate future (between now and two weeks):
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I am concerned about losing my job in the near future (between two weeks and two months):
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I am concerned about losing my job in mid future (between two months and four months):
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Sufficiency Levels
These scales describe your confidence to remain self-sufficient in the event of a loss of employment.
If I were to become unemployed, I have the resources to remain financially stable for the foreseeable future:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
If I were to become unemployed, I have the resources to remain financially stable for at least a month:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
If I were to become unemployed, I would go into immediate debt (including credit cards) to pay for my daily expenses:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
If I were to become unemployed, I would not be able to access the resources (including credit cards) to pay for my daily expenses:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Availability to help practically
I would like to know more about how I can help someone in the following areas:
Acts of small assistance e.g. collecting groceries for someone.
Helping with basic car repairs.
Helping with computer repairs, internet or other IT issues.
Helping with tutoring for children on remote learning.
Helping someone prepare resumes.
Helping someone navigate/access unemployment resources.
Helping someone find employment, because my employer has positions available.
Helping someone find employment in the wider workforce.
Helping someone successfully navigate/access health insurance.
Helping someone navigate/access financial advice (and I am qualified/licensed).
Helping someone navigate/access legal services (and I am qualified/licensed).
Helping someone financially.
Availability to help financially
Please check this box if you would like to be contacted by a pastor about how you can further help provide financial assistance to people in need.
If not, please leave blank.
Yes, please contact me.
Is there anything else that you would like us to know?
Permission to Contact
Do you give permission for church staff to contact you? To do this, you must have provided your contact information above.
Check all that apply:
Yes, by phone
Yes, by email
No, please do not contact me
By responding to this survey, I am aware that I am not entering into any agreement, understanding or obligation for the church or any of its members to provide any goods or services to me.
I understand
Any responses submitted will be made available to a select group of church staff and advisors on a needs-to-know basis only. The names of these staff members and advisors are available upon request from the church.
I understand.